Phone: 022-25210891 / Mobile: 9820-077310
In our Endeavor to serve you better we request you to note the following points:
1) Kindly finalise all details at least 15 days prior to the event.
2) In case of hall monopoly, rent for vessels, gas and any other monopoly charges will be billed separately.
3) Mineral water and icecream are charged separately.
4) Fruits and flowers will be arranged as per seasonal availability.
5) Catering service in German Silvery Crockery will be charged separately.
6) Menus mentioned in this brochure are only indicative. Various permutations and combinations as per your choice and budget, is possible.
7) At the end of each function, kindly confirm with our site supervisor as to the number of guests served and facilities provided.
8) Local taxes will be charges extra as applicable.
9) Please ensure safe keeping of all your belongings especially cash and jewellery. We shall not be held responsible for any untoward incident or loss.